How to Manage Your Boss

How to Manage Your Boss

There are millions of scholarly articles offering a barrage of advice and how-to’s for managing employees. We test personalities, have team building activities, performance appraisals and one-on-one meetings. However, there is another, often overlooked dynamic that can be beneficial to the success of an organization: How do employees manage their boss? “Boss management” is a…

Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace

Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace

Do you ever worry that someday someone will realize you don’t know what you’re doing?  Are you sure you will be exposed and your clients and colleagues will discover you have been pretending all this time?  You might have “Imposter Syndrome.” Imposter Syndrome, a common issue experienced by many professionals, occurs when an individual has…

Giving Your Employees a Confidence Boost

Giving Your Employees a Confidence Boost

Do you have employees who struggle with confidence? Are they afraid to voice their opinions or assert themselves? Do they seem anxious to communicate with you? If so, your office is like most others. People have different personalities; some are more confident while others prefer to stay behind the scenes. In many cases, encouraging less-confident…

Experiential Economy

Experiential Economy

In today’s economy, reasonable prices and good customer service aren’t enough. Modern consumers value experiences more. Eventbrite, an event promotion website, reports that 78 percent of millennial “would choose to spend money on a desirable experience or event over buying something desirable.” Businesses need to re-evaluate how they deliver value to consumers. In a 1998…

The Season to Believe

The Season to Believe

Whether yours is a “Miracle on 34th Street,” Santa-believing holiday or about your personal faith, it’s the season of believing. Professional coaches and inspirational speakers implore us to “believe in yourself.” A myriad of LinkedIn and Facebook posts tell us if we just “believe we can achieve.” These sometimes sugary sweet, sappy posts might lead…

Bad Management Lessons from Santa in “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

Bad Management Lessons from Santa in “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

As a child, I never missed “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” when it came on television. However, re-watching the stop motion special with my own kids made me acutely aware of how our current values clash with the Santa’s 1960s management style. He’s a bottom-line boss. In an amusing review of the show, I considered…